Having swallowed a tattoo is a creative way to express yourself. Swallow birds, mainly to Europe, sometimes known as the Blue Birds. If you're going to get one, you might want to first understand what it means. The symbolism of the swallow tattoo is a reason for the controversy and confusion. Swallow tattoo that has the symbol used to be a sign of status among the sailors. Meaning behind it is a swallow, should, to protect sailors from the dangers on their journey. However, the same version of this story is that, if the sailors had died at sea, which swallowed will protect their souls and bring them to heaven.
According to legend, after sailing for at least five thousand miles, a sailor could get a tattoo put on his chest symbol swallow, to mark the occasion. This gave him a sense of honor and achievement. A longer version of the legend is that, when he traveled more than ten thousand miles, he was entitled to a second swallow tattoo on the other side of his chest. Getting a tattoo of two sailors give a sense of pride and achievement. It also serves as a kind of pictorial resume. Since travel by ship is very dangerous during that time. Thus, it is a sign of an experienced sailor reliable in a crisis. Sailor with two swallows tattooed symbols on their chests, not one, specifically sought. That means that they have weather many storms and survived the many challenges.
Therefore, each captain looking for new crew members are always happy to see a sailor with two swallows tattooed on his chest. Swallow noble bird, with a rich history. This is a symbol of honor, faith, love and hope. For the sailors in the past, it represents all of the luck for loyalty. This serves as a reminder of family, friendship and honor. So, when you consider whether or not to get ink, remember what that symbolizes. Swallow tattoo is a sign of eternal life, love and hope. This represents the courage and eternal happiness. Are you a sailor at heart, or just someone who likes to feel the wind beneath your wings, a swallow tattoo is probably the right choice for you !
When you hear the word "tattoo", what is the first design appeared in the mind? Unless your parents have a tattoo, the design sprang to mind first would be a heart tattoo. A sailor was proud of the sleeves rolled up like Popeye's arm shows a large red heart with a fancy ribbon in front of him with his girlfriend's name printed on it. When the characters are very popular animated Bart Simpson chose to get a tattoo on the back of his parents again, he chose the heart tattoo with the word Mom on it. However, he pulled out of the tattoo with ink on MOTH only. Forms the heart is often associated with romantic love (although not the shape of hearts the real human heart - fortunately).
One reason for the heart tattoo is very popular is that they may more often act as an "I'm taken" brand as a wedding ring. And you can not loose heart tattoo because you can ring. Getting your beloved's heart tattoo with the first name is considered a romantic gesture, because it means commitment. Some people associate the form of any heart with love - family, platonic, whatever - and not just for romantic love. As a way to grief, they can choose to get a heart tattoo with the name and date of birth and death of their deceased. This tattoo is considered socially acceptable in many societies, especially when in a place like the arm or on the person's own heart so that the shirt will cover it. This can help in the process of grief.
Another reason has been the heart tattoo and will always remain popular is that they are easy for tattoo artists to draw. Depending on the size and complexity of the heart tattoo, usually can be applied in one sitting. This saves time, money and a sufficient amount of pain on the tattoo-ee's part. A heart shape is not threatening and reassuring image, not the tattoo says, zombies rise from the grave. Of course, if that silly zombie holding valentine heart, then maybe it would reduce all worries analysts what kind of psychopath, you may. But still expect them to lock the car doors when you walk them.
Now that you've decided to start a strict fitness program, make your butterfly tattoo is a good idea. In fact, the butterfly tattoo can be used to mark the beginning of a new event in your life. Perhaps the provision of old habits, get a new job, a change in the way you look or even push yourself to do diet. Butterfly associated with new beginnings and fresh. Outstretched wings can be compared to your new lease of life into you. This defines the spirit and beauty of your new life. Butterfly tattoo is very popular among women. In addition to helping you create a new beginning, they also look very beautiful and charming. Painted with different colors, tattoos are adding a new touch of your personality. You can make the butterfly a very small will adorn your shoulder or your navel. Bright and large butterflies can also make your back look very attractive. Dare to make a butterfly tattoo can enhance your honest nature, and also add your good looks.
Reasons for getting a tattoo can vary a lot from that described seems simple to the bold look. Decided to get a butterfly tattoo is perfect be very confusing job. Since there are a number of tattoo designs to choose from, it becomes necessary to decide the best that will increase your performance and deliver the right message that you want to give. Depending on the position of your body tattoo, size and color of butterflies will be different. You can ink all over again or just get a little done on the front shoulders. There may be one near the navel, too. The tattoo is a butterfly, colorful like a rainbow. Depending on the image you want to describe, you could have done a soft color. But if you want to display the
strong personalities, a colorful tattoo of a large and done in a place that will always be noticed by the audience. If you want to tattoo the most relevant, then you can refer to many books and sources of wildlife across the Web. They'll give you ideas to create the perfect tattoo for your body in accordance with the characteristics of your personality. Choosing a butterfly tattoo is beautiful and very real will make you feel happy. This will make you feel comfortable to have a colorful and small butterflies only to enhance the beauty of your personality. This brings you close to nature as well and make you feel glad to be involved with it. Women like to make a butterfly tattoo part of their lifestyle. They decorated their backs, ankles, shoulders and other parts that attract attention. So, if the time is ripe for a new beginning, just make a fortune starting with the fantastic and the design of beautiful butterflies.
The dolphins always enjoyed a reputation as a sailor friend. Indeed, maritime folklore filled with stories of them playing with the ship sailing or playing with people who were swimming in the sea. There are even stories of their help to save stranded sailors in danger of drowning, or of their taking a shark's head-to-head to save human friends they are from a horrible fate. Because of this and other stories, the dolphin is seen as a talisman of luck, glad tidings, a friend. If you look at their pictures, their faces seemed to smile benevolently on your back. While they are very good hunters and are always able to catch many fish, have you ever heard the story of one man attack? Of course not. Because they play games, have fun personalities,
they symbolize the free-spirited enjoyment of life, sea, and the natural world. Apart from the funny clown nature, man has always felt this animal innate intelligence, which some scientists and analysts have speculated could rival human intelligence. So, if you think about it, the attraction to get a picture of one of your body is easy to understand. We humans are always identified with the powerful, the most beautiful, most graceful, the most intelligent animals, and dolphins to realize all these qualities and more. No wonder that so many modern citizens of each country in the world have adopted it as their own personal animal totem.
When you identify with this creature, you declare your allegiance to one of nature's most amazing creatures, animals loved by adults and children alike. No wonder that a dolphin tattoo of any size and shape among the most popular designs today. Just as there are different kinds of animals out there in the natural world, there are also many designs that represent many of the world view of these creatures. If you look through the artist's book sample, you will find the dolphins of every shape, size and style. They are very popular as an ankle tattoo, lower back tattoo (this style is very popular for women), in the back of the shoulder, burst from the waves just above the collarbone, on the inside of the forearm, or just about anywhere else the artist can imagine .